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Steven M. Walton

Address: Russellville, Arkansas 72801


Phone: 479-459-1233

Professional info

A dedicated and outgoing natural resources and conservation professional. Between work and educational history, an approximate total of 13 years of experience within the natural resources and conservation field. Hope to utilize my knowledge of the tourism industry to benefit conservational efforts on a global scale. Ready and willing to take on the challenges that trouble these fields, train in effective new skills, and become a valuable asset to the organization. 

Work experience

Forestry Technician (Resources)                                    02/2019-Present
US Forest Service
1541 State Hwy 248
Waldron, AR  72958 United States

- Certified Forest Service Collection Officer
- Working on HRT task book
- Marking timber in each unit per its designated cutting method (ie. cut tree, leave tree, seed tree, and unit barrier)
- Tallying trees and recording plots within a unit using an Allegro handheld unit
- Collecting appropriate information for units with salvage timber
- Setting up plots within an individual unit to assess tree density
- Assist arch shop with doing shovel tests in an upcoming sale to look for any signs of an archeological site before unit goes to sale
- Assist with prescribed burns throughout the assigned region
- Certified Type 2 Wildland Firefighter
- Flag layout in sales unit with appropriately colored flagging
- Currently hold a HECM task book
- Assist with turkey surveys taking place with Arkansas Game and Fish while out in the forest
- Collect water samples to test for free chlorine at recreation camp site that supplies water to visitors
- Clean rubbish that is spread out amongst recreation sites
- Work on marking out and documenting road right-of-ways and road improvements within a upcoming timber sale unit
- Utilize Allegro and Trimble units to collect data as needed within sales units
- Administer a regrowth survey and stands the were recently harvested from to determine status of pine/hardwood regrowth within the unit
- COR Level 1 certified
- Be available to assist with any other area as needed per the established duties of the IRT position

Forestry Technician (Recreation-detail)                       06/2020-09/2020
US Forest Service
1541 State Hwy 248
Waldron, AR  72958 United States

- Collect swim water samples to evaluate if bacterial levels are within acceptable numbers

- Check free chorine levels in campsite drinking water to ensure it’s with proper levels

- Clean and collect trash within recreations sites throughout the district

- Inspect all facilities and structures within rec sites to ensure they are safe and free of defect

- Act as COR for contractors that are assigned to maintain facilities throughout summer months

- Mow rec sites that have significant grass growth to maintain a clean appearance

- Ensure the public is following all regulations and policies set by the USFS at each rec site

- Act as the collections officer for sites that require a fee within the district

- Address any questions that the public may have about the rec sites within the district

- Communicate with other district departments on needs and concerns that may impact rec sites

- Addressing safety concerns reported to us at each rec site within a reasonable amount of time

- Operate UTV to do trail inspections in highly visited locations

- Do general purchasing requests for tools/equipment needs for the rec department

- Maintain operation of the chlorinator system to ensure water is safe for visitors and is free of any harmful bacteria

- Continue to go through additional training through the rec tech detail to learn about needs and requirements for each site

Graduate Assistant                                                       07/2016 - 12/2019
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, Arkansas

- Develop and plan outdoor recreational events for students during each semester. 

- Assisting with maintaining budget and ensuring that events don't exceed available funds. 

- Maintaining an inventory of outdoor recreational gear that is reserved for student rentals and coordinate repair/replacement of gear as needed. 

- Developing good community and business relations to ensure best possible experience for students. 

- Guide or assist with guiding trips on scheduled event days. 

Natural Resources Coordinator                                  09/2015 - 02/2016
City of Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve - Southern Region
Scottsdale, Arizona

• Oversee maintenance, construction, repair, and operation tasks of the southern region of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve

• Supervise volunteer groups participating in events taking place within the preserve boundaries


• Train new volunteer groups on expectations, procedures, and the rules and regulations for volunteers to follow and help enforce within the preserve


• Participate in deer spotting efforts in cooperation with Arizona Game and Fish to collar deer for research


• Coordinate wildlife survey with AZ Game and Fish and assessment of old mine by AZ State mine inspector to pursue efforts in securing and closing off old mine shaft located within the Preserve


• Enforce preserve regulations through visitor contact and through the assistance of the Scottsdale Police Department


• Oversight and resource management of preserve and park lands to foster the sustainability of the natural environment and enhance visitor knowledge, experience, and safety


• Plan, organize, supervise and implement activities within my region


• Plan and promote special events and activities within my region


• Maintained financial records to justify and support programs, in addition to monitoring and expending budget effectively


• Prepared and submitted budget for the southern region


• Supervised full-time, part-time, temporary, contract and volunteer personnel and provided recreational and personal development services


• Fostered and maintained collaborative relationships with outside organizations, groups and schools.


• Recommended operation policy ideas for programs and facilities Job Experience Continued:


• Submitted a variety of monthly and weekly reports to the Parks and Recreation director on issues including work management, populations served, budget status, current issues, accomplishments, and problem areas


• Presented program area information to the Parks and Recreation and McDowell Sonoran Preserve commissions


• Develop and present signage to present to Preserve manager for evaluation and initiate placement if approved


• Rotate signage at all trailheads to address individuals issues being reported at the independent trailheads

Gateway Maintenance Tech/Ranger Assistant         03/2010 - 08/2015
City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department - Gateway Natural Area
Bellvue, Colorado

-Park management

This consisted of limited management of Gateway when the ranger was out on vacation or medical leave. The staffing at Gateway is primarily limited to the ranger and I, with a few additional staff during summer weekends.


-Wildlife management

Relocate animals like Rattlesnakes away from areas where visitors are located. Close off areas to visitors when a dangerous animal, like a Bear, is present. In the event that a wild animal is found injured, taking the animal to the proper agency for possible rehabilitation or calling the proper agency if the animal cant be handled by staff.



Operating a riding/push mower and weed whip to maintain main area in Gateway. Planting native plants throughout the Natural Area to benefit the wildlife and improve the environment. Trim and remove dangerous branches from trees within the picnic area. Trim shrubs and bushes around the main office.


-Forest management

Locate and mark dead or dying trees and determine best approach for removal. Manage small area in our property that has been infected with Pine Beetle. Put repellant on old growth trees and trees of interests around the perimeter of the Pine Beetle kill area in an attempt to protect them from infestation.


-Event management

Assist in the management of parking during a high visit or large event taking place at the Natural Area. Ensure that the area that is reserved for the event is clean before and after it takes place. Collect fees from party if fees for the event are due. Assist in the setup of the event if it is a department event. Assist with staffing special events set up by the department for the community.


-Trail maintenance

Walk trails to ensure that pathways are clear of any hazards, barriers, trash, or other items of concern. Weed whip and trim plants and shrubs that are encroaching over the trail. Utilize rakes, hoes, and shovels to keep trail down to bare dirt.


-Prescribed burning

Assist department staff and other agency staff with prescribed burns within Natural Area property. This includes drip torching, back burning, digging fire line, engine operations, atv operations, and setting up wet lines. Prescribed burns took place in our Natural Areas and usually consisted of 2 acres to 100+ acres.


-Brochure development

Created a hiking map for an adjacent property that Gateway visitors usually go to during their visit. Offer recommendations for other staff members creating brochures that include information about Gateway.


-Resource protection

Ensure that all visitors follow regulations of the park. Like keeping dogs on leash at all times to protect the wildlife and other visitors from possible issues with the dog. Closing off areas of the park that have been impacted by the recent fires and floods to ensure the area can regrow without visitor traffic.


-Emergency operations

In the event that someone is injured or lost within the surrounding area, assist emergency personnel with accessing areas in the park that are locked up and help with the search for the individual(s) and getting them down to safety. Evacuate and close down the park in the event of a natural disaster. Operate our fire-sprinkler line in the event of a forest fire to help protect the land and structures.


-Irrigation maintenance

Repair broken pipeline, fix or replace damaged sprinkler heads. Construct new irrigation layouts, utilizing heavy machinery, to areas that need to have more water to maintain plant health. Assist in winterization of irrigation system when needed.


-Visitor services

Occupy the entry station to collect parking fees. Answer any questions that visitors may have and do my best to answer or find the answer for them. Assist visitors with tasks if requested and permitted by supervisorial staff.


- Park Maintenance

Clean restrooms throughout the park and check trash bins regularly. Use pressure washer when cleaning equipment and structures. Do minor maintenance on equipment as needed or schedule to take items in when they need more extensive work. Painting and staining structures as needed through the year. Installing new signage and repairing old signage. Utilizing heavy equipment to grade roadways at the beginning of the spring/summer season.


- Administrative Assistant

Ensure that documentation for annual passes is filled out correctly and submitted to administrative personnel at Natural Areas main office. Inform visitors of proper documentation that needs to be submitted for special events and activities. -


- Endangered Species Assessment

Worked with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, along with other wildlife officials from the Natural Areas Management in assessing the current condition of newly released Black Footed Ferrets in Prairie Dog colonies in Soapstone Natural Areas. Work consisted of spot lighting for ferrets and locating the den entrance they entered to set up a tag reader and collect tag information of the located ferret.


Research Assistant Intern                                           10/2013 - 12/2013
Victoria University Coastal Ecology Lab
Wellington, New Zealand


- Experimental setup and process

Understanding the process of experimental setup and processes from beginning to end. While assisting graduate students at the lab, I set up and began the process of experimenting the impact that heavy metal contaminants in ocean water have on newly spawned Kina (sea urchins). 


-Video Analysis

Look over video for quality control and second analysis for graduate student research. Evaluate number of plant species and fish species on ocean bottom of pre-determined sample plots.


-General Field Work

Help collect samples of water for samples sourcing experiments within the water lab. Assist in boat training operations with other staff and graduate students. Collect GPS data points for additional data collection on research vessel. Help prepare scuba divers to go out into the field to gather data.


-Lab preparation

Collecting necessary equipment and tools to set up lab for new or additional experiments. Assemble equipment and necessary equipment to ensure a healthy environment for specimen or ensure proper preservation of specimen.


-Animal handling

Properly handling marine species like sea urchin, fish, and mollusks to ensure they are not injured or heavily stressed while going through data collection processes in the lab.


-Chemical handling

Understanding proper handling of certain chemicals and how to react to a spill. Also understanding how to properly dilute some chemicals and how to store them.


-Species identification

Identifying certain species of mollusks, shellfish, fish, and urchins within the surrounding area of New Zealand.


-Specimen extraction and processing

Utilizing microscopes to extract the otolith from triplefin fish to evaluate growth patterns. Use scales and a Vernier caliper to document weight and length of triplefin specimen. Properly preserving samples for further evaluation.


Ranger Assistant Intern                                               09/2013 - 10/2013
Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park
Gosford, NSW, Australia


- Enclosure care

Clean enclosures by removing trash, old food, and fecal matter. Look for any damage to the enclosure or areas where the animal(s) may have attempted to escape and immediately report observed changes within the enclosure.


- Enclosure repair/construction

Assist maintenance staff in making repairs to enclosures. Assist with the construction and habitat development of new enclosures for incoming wildlife.


- Visitor Services

Answer any questions that visitors may have. In the event that the free roaming wildlife begins to interfere with visitor activities, assist with deterring the interfering wildlife from those visitors.


- Cleaning

Assist with the removal of animal feces from highly traversed areas of the park. Empty trash bins and take collected trash bags to the large trash bin.


- Fire mitigation

Assist with rewriting the park’s fire mitigation plan and develop concepts of defensive structures and current actions used in proper wildland fire interface.


- Wildlife handling

Develop an understanding on how to properly handle some reptilian and mammalian species found within the park.


- Community Outreach

Assist supervisory staff with setting up and running educational events outside of park and at local business. Activities included setting up tables and containment areas for animals taken out of park. Handling animals so that the public can interact with them.


Student Research Assistant                                        02/2013 - 05/2013
Warner College of Natural Resources (CSU)
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Fort Collins, Colorado


-Data entry

Entering data collected from surveys on Human and Coyote conflict in the Denver Metro area into an IBM SPSS program.


-Data analysis

Assist in analyzing data collected from surveys by using statistical formulas within the IBM SPSS program.


-Assisting with survey administration and data collection efforts by identifying households who havent responded and sending out reminders or attempt to contact by phone for a verbal survey.


-Assisting with research tasks in social aspects of wildlife conservation.


Seasonal Park Ranger                                                  05/2008 - 09/2008
Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Lory State Park
Bellvue, Colorado


-Law enforcement

Writing windshield fines for people who fail to obtain parking pass for the park. Present court summons to individuals who have broken more sever levels of park regulations. Educate visitors on regulations to ensure that they follow them and to avoid any future fine for breaking them. Assist in expelling individuals in the park who have caused problems with other visitors.


-Trail maintenance/Construction

Evaluate trail conditions during park patrols and clear any obstacles within the pathway. Assist in the construction of a new trail during my employment at the park. -Weed control Primarily consisted of identifying Dalmatian Toadflax and Leafy Spurge throughout the park. If identified, pull entire plant with roots out and dispose of in large trash bag.


-Emergency response

Assist in locating injured or missing party. Guide other emergency crews to location of individual(s). Give basic first aid if needed. Help crews carry injured party to emergency vehicle or helicopter for transport to hospital. In the event of emergency, like fire, locate area and evacuate visitors. Observe condition and communicate situation with emergency personnel in route.


-Event management

Assist in the management of parking during large events. Ensuring that the area that is reserved for the event is clean before and after the event. Observe event occasionally to confirm that park regulations are being followed. Assist crews preparing the area for the event, if needed.


-Hunting management

Ensure that hunters are following park hunting regulations. Collect information on what has been harvested, if anything, when the hunters leave the park. Check to make sure hunters have proper licensing for their hunting activity. Occasionally help hunters locate possible kill if the animal was able to get away and out of the hunters sight.


-Visitor services

Assist in operations of the visitor center during well-manned days. Close out cash box in write down the days earnings once the visitor center has closed down. Offer educational opportunities to youth and family when requested. -Wildlife management Primarily consisted of relocating Rattlesnakes from trails and parking lots.


Work Experience not related to natural resources

Ranch Way Feeds Mill, 08/2007-05/2008 & 10/2008 - 03/2010

 Forklift Operator

 Fort Collins, Colorado


Ashley Furniture Warehouse, 08/2006 - 05/2007

 Warehouse work/Delivery driver

 Fort Smith, Arkansas


Walmart Supercenter, 08/2005 - 07/2007

 Cashier/Dairy stocker

 Greenwood, Arkansas






Microsoft Office

Park Management

Problem Solving

Wildlife Management

Habitat Management

Wildland Firefighting

Urban/Wildland Interface

Event Management

Forest Management

Emergency Management

Volunteer Coordination

2010 - present

2010 - present


Arkansas Tech University                                                       2016- 2020
Graduate Studies in Fish and Wildlife Sciences 
Natural Resources, Wildlife, and Fisheries Courses
  • ​Human Dimensions of Fish and Wildlife Management

  • Conservation Biology

  • Advanced Biostatistics

  • Principle of Wildlife Management

  • Research Methods 1

  • African Ecology

  • Population Dynamics

  • Wetland Ecology Management

Colorado State University                                                      2010 - 2014

B.Sc. Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism




Natural Resources, Wildlife, and Fisheries Courses


  • Principles of Animal Biology

  • Exploring Earth: Physical Geology

  • Oceanography

  • Introduction into Evolution

  • Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

  • Natural Resources History and Policy

  • Social Aspects of Natural Resource Management

  • Public Relations in Natural Resources

  • Principles of Natural Resource Tourism



Business, Research, and Tourism Courses


  • Starting and Managing Tourism Enterprise

  • Hospitality Industry

  • Tourism Promotion

  • Tourism Planning

  • Event and Conference Planning

  • Tourism Impacts

  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Business

  • Fundamentals of Marketing

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Fundamentals of Management

  • Fundamentals of Accounting

  • General Statistics 

  • Economics of Social Issues

  • International Issues-Recreation and Tourism

  • Human Dimensions Research and Analysis (Class and Lab)



Front Range Community College - Larimer Campus         2007 - 2010


A.A.Sc. Forestry, Wildlife, & Natural Resources


Wildlife Certificate


Natural Resources Certificate 




Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries, and Natural Resource Courses


  • Wildlife & Fisheries Management

  • Intro to Soil Science

  • Forestry Field Research

  • Wildlife Law Enforcement

  • Fish Biology and Ichthyology

  • Wildland Firefighting

  • Foundations of Forestry

  • Geographic Information Systems

  • Environmental Education

  • Avian Conservation & Ornithology

  • Wildlife Ecology in Alaska (field course in Alaska)


Other Science Related Courses


  • Astronomy 1

  • General Meteorology


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